Sunday, January 30, 2011

Earthworms... who knew?

Just read a great article about how earthworms secrete calcium. I know this is linked into growing great tomatoes and we are almost in that season so check out this link if you want to know more techy stuff about calcium secretions and earthworms:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ordering Leeks and Tomatoes

I think my friends know I am big on tomatoes but I have never spent this much to get so little. I decided to focus on growing tomatoes in the greenhouse this season. So I looked at greenhouse tomatoes instead of the regular types and found one called Cobra that is all I really need- not too big but in big clusters and wow flavor. Trouble is it cost $8.75 for a package of 20 seeds.

I read several catalogues before i decided on Carmen cucumbers for $19.20- also for the greenhouse and powdery mildew proof. I think the greenhouse is a special case because it is hotter and more stressful for plants in some ways. Also- I plan to get really big yields this year. Wait a minute- didn't I say that last year? Of course I will order Sungold tomatoes again because those were amazing bright orange cherry tomatoes and early too!

PS I ordered leeks too because January is the time to start leeks indoors. I read all the descriptions in several catalogues before choosing Catcher Hybrid leeks from the William Dam Company. Okay- let the excitement begin.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Approaching excitement- New Book in Final Stages

We are getting so close with my new book and reviews from advance copies sent out are already coming in:

"I think your book is absolutely delightful in every way. I know you will hit a chord with Albertans like me who struggle to believe that gardening phone-ins aren't really "anti-gardening" shows because of the seemingly endless challenges of growing things here! This book is going to be snapped up in, pardon the pun, spades."
Holly Preston, Journalist and broadcaster (you may have heard her interview me on CBC radio in past summers)

"In this charming, zestful and funny book, Donna & Steve de-bunk false garden advice, gadgets, gimmicks & claims while providing great information and wisdom for both the beginner and experienced gardener. Highly recommended!"
Michelle & Rob Avis, Verge Permaculture

Speaking opportunities are booking fast and Medicine Hat, Drumheller and Banff libraries just signed on to host an afternoon. Let your librarian know about this amazing new book if you would like to meet me in person!