I think my friends know I am big on tomatoes but I have never spent this much to get so little. I decided to focus on growing tomatoes in the greenhouse this season. So I looked at greenhouse tomatoes instead of the regular types and found one called Cobra that is all I really need- not too big but in big clusters and wow flavor. Trouble is it cost $8.75 for a package of 20 seeds.
I read several catalogues before i decided on Carmen cucumbers for $19.20- also for the greenhouse and powdery mildew proof. I think the greenhouse is a special case because it is hotter and more stressful for plants in some ways. Also- I plan to get really big yields this year. Wait a minute- didn't I say that last year? Of course I will order Sungold tomatoes again because those were amazing bright orange cherry tomatoes and early too!
PS I ordered leeks too because January is the time to start leeks indoors. I read all the descriptions in several catalogues before choosing Catcher Hybrid leeks from the William Dam Company. Okay- let the excitement begin.
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