Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Calgary gardener's are used to a sharp cold snap and then a warm fall. This year we got the warm September without the cold. We had very few warm days in July and August but it looks like summer is finally here in September.

Will this be a problem for plants? Nah- they love this chance to keep blooming and growing new leaves and save up more energy for the big winter ahead. Some plants are triggered to do their winter prep thing by the shortened days and cooler nights. Yes even though it is plus thirty in the day it is still dipping to single digits at night.

This has triggered my Tiger Eyes Sumac (above and at top) to begin changing colour. Most of the other plants are just soaking in the sun, trying to squeeze in another flower. For the record I have clipped off the tomato blooms- it is just too late to even hope for more fruit so I am letting the plants ripen the fruit they have but not letting any more form.

Gardeners wonder if they have to keep watering trees and shrubs in fall and I say yes- don't let plants wilt. If they wilt, they are stressed and then they attract bugs and other problems. Keep up the moisture and don't shut down the irrigation too soon. It is not true that we need to stop watering to harden plants up- that is just Guff. And speaking of Guff- I sold a ton of books at the BBQ on the Bow this weekend. What fun to meet and greet so many CBC listeners! Hello to all!

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